Computer Technician in Technical Support
Performing Preventive Maintenance And Corrective Computer Consulting Home, Wireless Wifi, Lan.
Preventive Maintenance
Made before a failure occurs or failure, in order to keep the equipment working and to reduce the chance of occurrence or failure. It consists of the periodic review of certain aspects of both hardware and software, they influence the reliable performance of the system, the integrity of the stored data and correct exchange of information at the maximum possible speed in the optimal system configuration.
This maintenance is concerned in determining the operating conditions of durability and reliability of a computer.
Its first objective is to prevent or mitigate the consequences of equipment failures, achieving prevent incidents before they occur.
Tasks include actions such as software revisions, cleaning and even changes of worn parts preventing failures before they occur.
Service repair your electronic equipment
Computer repair is a task that should be left to a professional. There are situations where an error or unexplained lock your computer is presented. That’s when you need someone reliable to call to solve these problems.
Before you call for computer repair, there are several things you can do to try to resolve this error or situation.
Troubleshooting the Security and Reliability of Wi-Fi System
One of the problems which are currently facing the Wi-Fi technology is the progressive saturation of the radio spectrum, due to the mass of users, this especially affects the connections long distance (over 100 meters). Actually Wi-Fi is designed to connect computers and other devices to the network at reduced distances, any broader use is exposed to an excess risk of interference.